The Fund raising Activities
Cards are made and given to sisters who in turn give to others to sign for an amount they wish. In the end all proceeds are put together and sent to the Committee.
Obtain permission from the Parish Priest and the announcement placed in the bulletin weeks before the activity to create awareness. On the set date, sisters will wear charity T-shirts. They either clean vehicles or shoes of Parishioners in exchange for money.
Sisters write to parishioners asking for permission to clean their houses. Once permission is given, a date is agreed on for the house to be cleaned in exchange for money.
Permission is taken from the parish priest. Letters are written to shop owners, the police traffic unit at the location where the walk would take place. A band is hired to accompany the sisters as they walk through the streets. Products and money are obtained from shop owners and even passers-bye. The Charity Committee can also make money by selling the charity walk T- shirt to those sisters who do not have.
The coordinator and her team identify parishioners who they think can support their activities with cash, materials or their time. It is the job of the team leader to maintain a good relationship with these people.
The charity committee can also source for materials and cash from members of the Association.
Committee members can also seek for assistance from colleagues and friends.
An item is presented by members of the committee to the house for auction sale. The sister who ends up buying the item donates it back to the Committee. The proceeds and the item for auction go back to the Charity Committee.
The permission of the Parish Priest is obtained to write appeal letters to individuals and corporate bodies and, if possible, his signature should be included in the letter. This letter is used to solicit for money and/or materials for the planned charity activities.
With the Charity Committee organizing, the entire members of the Association will solicit for new and used household items and clothes from friends, family members and colleagues. A date is set to hold a garage sale in the Church premises where all the items will be displayed and sold. It is important to publicize this sale so that enough buyers will be on hand to buy up all the items.
For the charity activities of the Association to be successful, the Committee:
- Must have a budget for any activity which must be followed religiously
- Must exercise wisdom and discernment when considering a charity activity to be carried out.
- Must ensure that time, money and talents given to charity are being used properly.
- Must be prudent in spending and should always have reserves to finance the next project.
Sisters, there is so much to learn about charity but like every activity in life, we learn as we travel along and it gets better as long as we make it a part of our lives.