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Investment Committee


CSU Investment Scheme is a welfare scheme aimed at encouraging members to make savings for their future needs. Unlike the Group Life Insurance where benefits go to the member’s beneficiaries, in the Investment Scheme the Sister is the direct beneficiary. Proverbs 13:11 “Wealth gained hastily will dwindle but whoever gathers little by little will increase it”


The CSU investment Scheme is a flexible package that gives members the opportunity to contribute according to their financial capabilities. Also, depending on a Sister’s financial target, the annual contribution could be as much as N500,000 but the minimum annual contribution is N36,000.00 paid in two equal installments or once annually. The investments matures within three years but members have the option of running it for a longer tenure. The interest is calculated on compound interest basis, 2% above bank savings interest rate.

Benefits of CSU Investment Scheme?

❖ It inculcate in Sisters financial discipline.