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Social / Welfare Committee

What the Social / Welfare Committee stands for?

The Social Welfare Committee of CSU is responsible for social and civic responsibilities of the Association and its members. They alert the Association on matters concerning the welfare of members. They are responsible for all courtesies due to members on special occasions like birthdays marriages, deaths etc.

The committee stands for the unity, social gathering and common good of sisters. They organize forums and create relaxations and learning opportunities for members.

The Committee focuses on improving personal relationship among sisters to build stronger ties within CSU. They reach out to withdrawn and look-warm members by encouraging them to attend meetings and other CSU activities.

The committee keeps a database of members for networking and identifying those who are in need. The database is used as reminders for members special occasion.

The committee organizes quarterly Love Feast which brings all members together. The love feast features activities like social talk; bible quiz; dancing; games; vocational training etc.

The Committee organizes workshop where guest speakers are invited to talk on topics that will improve the welfare of members.

At the Parish level, the committee coordinator is responsible for coordinating Insurance and the investment scheme of the society. The Insurance covers the Society Group Life Insurance and the group investment schemes.

At various levels the committee handles all Association uniforms and souvenirs ranging from Asoke, Ankara, mantilla, pin, bags, jotter, etc.

Fund Raising: The committee raises funds through Garage Sales, Bob-a-jobs, Appeal letter and donations